
Gum Surgery

Gum Surgery

What to expect?

Your dentist or periodontist will evaluate your oral health, including the condition of your gums and supporting structures, and discuss the need for gum surgery. They will explain the procedure to you, answer any questions you may have, and discuss any alternative treatment options.
Before the surgery, your dentist or periodontist may take X-rays or other imaging tests to assess the extent of the gum disease and plan the surgical approach. They may also review your medical history and medications to ensure a safe procedure. Depending on the complexity of the surgery and your comfort level, you may receive local anesthesia to numb the area around the surgical site, or you may be offered sedation or general anesthesia to help you relax or sleep through the procedure. The healing process may take several weeks, during which you may experience some swelling, discomfort, or bleeding. It's essential to follow your dentist's or periodontist's instructions for aftercare and attend any follow-up appointments to monitor your healing progress. Gum surgery is often just one component of a comprehensive treatment plan for gum disease. It's crucial to maintain good oral hygiene practices, such as brushing, flossing, and regular dental visits, to prevent the recurrence of gum disease and preserve the results of the surgery.

Lets Know About

Gum Surgery

Gum Surgery is bound to be done when the gum disease problem goes beyond a certain extent. Gum disease when not treated at the initial stage can lead to different oral health issues like loss of bone, weakening of tooth support, or tooth loss. Gum surgery can eliminate these problems by removing the infected gum area and control the infection spreading.

Why would you need Gum Surgery?
The main goal of periodontal flap surgery is to get rid of any diseased tissue through a small incision at the junction of gum and teeth. The gum tissue then cuts off a flap-like section that gives the dentist easy access to the ligaments and bone tissues. This installation of the diseased tissue, bone or ligaments is removed and then the teeth are cleaned intensely.

How is gum surgery done?

There are different types of gum surgery options available in any clinic. The dental surgeon performs such procedures depending on the condition of the gum and severity of the disease. Before undergoing this surgery, the surgeons prefer deep cleaning the gum that removes the presence of Tartar hand bacteria from teeth and gum.
Dentists may also choose to perform root planning that involves smoothening out the surface of the teeth and roots in case of least bacteria build-up issues. Following are some of the mentioned most popular surgical procedures-

Flap surgery- Periodontal surgery or flap surgery involves creating an incision in the gum so that the deep pockets can be accessed and the tartar deposits can be removed. Once the procedure is completed and the bacterial affected areas are removed and the gums are stitched back to fit around the teeth. In some rare cases, patients may require reshaping the underlying bone.
Bone grafting- Bone grafting is referred to as replacement procedure. This procedure is undergone by the people who have a damaged tooth root and requires a new bone graft. This bone graft can be extracted from the person’s bone that can be manufactured or donated bone. The main aim of performing bone grafting is to provide support to the tooth and help it grow like any other teeth.
Guided tissue regeneration- In this procedure the surgeon usually inserts a tiny piece of mesh-like material between the gum tissue and the bone. The presence of this mesh-like material helps in preventing extra growth of the gum where the bone is present. This allows a healthy growth of the bones and connective tissues.
Tissue grafting-Tissue grafting is also a surgical procedure that involves using soft tissue grafts to treat gum line recession. In this procedure, the surgeon removes tissue from one part of the body and attaches it to the damaged gum portion.
The tissue grafts are usually obtained from the mouth itself. The tissue grafting procedure not only protects the gum from further damage but it also conceals the roots of the teeth. It is said that tissue grafting procedure is performed in two techniques-

  • Laser therapy- Some dentists use laser therapy to prevent the damage of roots and gums by reducing the size of the pocket and restore the connective tissues.
  • Tissue stimulating proteins- Dentists usually stimulate the gums by injecting a protein gel that can reinforce the growth of underlying bones and tissues.

How is gum surgery done?

Most of the dental surgeons usually perform dental flap surgery under local or general anaesthesia depending on the severity of the condition. However, in 90% of the procedures, the surgery involves using a local anaesthetic to numb the area of treatment.
Each procedure may take around 1 hours to complete the procedure even though that depends on the type of procedure that the patient chooses to undergo. The medical equipment that is used by the dental surgeon is sterile equipment that reduces the chances of any infection. As the first step of dental flap surgery, the surgeons usually make a tiny incision along the gum line and the dentist usually lifts up the gum flap to reach up to the roots.
Then they remove the diseased bone or tissue and clean away the presence of any plaque, tartar. After this procedure, the surgeon usually deep cleans the teeth and also performs other procedures like gum reshaping, bone regeneration or other procedures. Once the gum flap surgery is completed, the dental surgeon usually stitches the gum to achieve the maximum possible natural appearance. After seven to ten days, the dentists usually remove these stitches.
The flap surgery cost usually differs depending on the procedure, the severity of the condition, Anaesthesia used, surgeon’s fees, location of the clinic, experienced staff, etc. So it is only your dental surgeon who can let you know the exact cost of any procedure after diagnosing the condition.

Dental flap surgery does not usually involve any serious risks, but it may include-

  • Increased sensitivity of the teeth
  • The gum line or may change
  • Swollen and bleeding gum
  • Presence of harmful bacteria in the bloodstream
  • Infected gum tissue
In case the patients are suffering from conditions like this, it is important to take advice from your dentist and take medicines prescribed by them. Usually taking some antibiotics and following their instructions can let flap surgery teeth and gum to recover sooner. Surgeons prescribe antibiotics to patients who have-
  • Certain cardiac issues
  • A very week immunity system
  • Recently undergone any major surgical procedure.
The healing procedure may take one to two weeks and patients may feel an increased sensitivity in the teeth than usual particularly to excessively hot or cold foods. Patients may also take some pain killers or other prescribed medicines that can help to elevate the presence of any discomfort. Dental surgeons will probably schedule a follow-up appointment to track the healing procedure.

How much does it cost for periodontal surgery?

The flap surgery cost depends on the procedure undergone, the extent of the area to be treated, the pre and post medications, Anaesthesia used, location of the clinic, surgeon’s fees and a lot more.

The exact amount can only be calculated after diagnosing the condition and deciding the treatment procedure. The cost of these dental procedures may or may not be covered by insurance, so it is important to discuss things with the insurance agent and get a clear idea of the dental benefits that are covered by the insurance.

You might be ready to go with the gum surgery for its treatment, still, you might be wondering about the cost. How much does receding gum surgery cost? The cost of gum surgery depends on the extent to which the treatment must be done. Also, the pre and post-medication during the treatment adds up to the cost of the overall gum surgery.

Receding Gums Treatment in India

The problem of gum disease is one of the common oral problems observed in many individuals. Gum receding is one such problem that causes swelling and pain in the gums. There are several options for receding gums treatment in India. Here, you can go to a proper dental clinic to get the necessary treatment for proper gums.

How can Rutudent-Bhawsar Dental Care & Research Centre Help?

Rutudent’s Bhawsar Dental Clinic & Research Centre provides the best gum surgery cost in India and absolutely precise, reliable and fast dental check-up and X-Rays to boost up the dental awareness in India. The dentists in Rutudent- Bhawsar Dental Care & Research Centre are highly skilled and ready to provide the best dental treatments that include cavity filling, dental implants, orthodontic treatment, root canal treatment or other reconstructive surgical procedures.

The dentists at the clinic are experienced and help to evaluate your oral health and suggest the most appropriate tentative treatment plan which may be a long turn or a short-term treatment. The best part is the location of the clinic that can easily be accessible from the railway station, by road or airport. Patients are treated with the utmost care and the highest level of hygiene is being maintained.

The clinic aims in making dental care pretty affordable, accessible and available to every single people. They always aim to provide the highest quality treatment at unexpectedly low cost by utilizing the highest degree of training and development to accomplish the best result.

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