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What are Dental Implant?

Lets Know About

Dental Implant

There is nothing that is as good as your natural tooth. However, people can lose their teeth due to many reasons – decay, trauma, gum disease,
bone disease, etc. In order to eat, chew and talk, we need our teeth. So, to restore a person’s missing tooth, dentistry provides a few options –
dentures, crown and bridge and implants!

Implants are the latest advances in the field of prosthetics and are the closest replacement to a missing tooth. An implant is a screw-like surgical
fixture that is placed into the jawbone to replace a missing tooth. A crown is placed on this screw to look and function as the crown portion of the
natural tooth.

How does a dental implant/tooth implant work?

Though replacement of teeth has been in dental practice for many decades, today, dental implants are considered the standard of care for prosthetic
replacement of missing teeth.
Normal tooth is made of 2 main parts:

  • Root – it is submerged in the jaw bone, it not visible.

  • Crown the portion of the tooth which is visible in the mouth.

Implant is mimicked in the same way as follows

  • The Root of the natural tooth is mimicked by placing a IMPLANT-Titanium Screw in the Jaw bone surgically.Thus, root portion of a tooth is
  • After surgery the Implant is allowed to fuse / Oso integrate in the bone for 4- 6 months.

After4-6 months the other portion of the natural tooth i.e., CROWN is mimicked by placing an abutment in the Implant & A Ceramic crown is placed
on this abutment. Thus, a normal tooth is mimicked. During eating/ biting the forces are transferred to the implant & from Implant to the bone. Thus,
the mechanism of transferring biting forces to the bone is same as a natural tooth.

The process of blending between the dental implant and jawbone is called “Osseo integration.” Implants are made up of titanium, an element
that is biocompatible and get fused /Osseo integrate with Bone. As compared to a bridge to replace missing tooth/teeth, an implant doesn’t disturb
adjacent teeth and has superior aesthetics too. With advances in dentistry in the recent past, there have been many advances even in the field of
implants, which have significantly improved the success rate of implants clinically.

What are the steps of dental implant/tooth
implant treatment?

In order to replace a missing tooth with an implant, the treatment can be divided into the following steps:

  • Diagnosis and treatment planning
  • Surgical Placement of implant
  • Healing phase
  • Prosthetic phase

In the diagnosis and treatment planning stage, the space around the missing tooth is evaluated and the number of implant screws and crowns is
determined based on the amount of space that is available. Measurements of the region and x-rays are used in the diagnosis.

  • Surgical placements of the implant screw – This is a minor surgical procedure that is performed under local anaesthesia in the dental clinic.
    The way we drill Screw in the wall / furniture, the same way hole is made in the bone with surgical drill. In this drilled hole a Implant screw
    is paced by wrenching it in the bone.

  • Healing Phase-A healing period of 4-6 months is provided the implant is allowed to fuse with the underlying jaw bone in order to stabilise
    and be able to bear the load of biting forces once the crown has been placed. The fusing of the implant with the bone is called as Oso
    integration of implant with Bone. After good osseointegration the implant is so nicely fused with the bone that it becomes a part of the Body.

  • Prosthetic Phase-Once the Osseo integration of the implant screw with the bone has been confirmed using x-rays, the next step is performed
    –preparing the implant to receive a crown. The crown / crowns/bridges are prepared in laboratory. These prepared crowns / Bridges are fixed
    with the Implant either by Screw or luting cements. Now the patient is ready for biting /mastication

Benefits of Implants over Other Options

Many patients are sceptical about implant placement as they are relatively newer than the dentures and crowns that have been around for some
time. Also, implants are slightly more expensive than dentures and bridges and so people prefer to choose them over implants.

  • Bone Formation – As you know, in the bone, bone formation & bone resorption process are going on continuously. The biting force on the
    natural tooth is transferred to the bone via tooth root, and this force act as a stimulus of bone formation. With loss of a tooth this
    force is lost. After placement of implant in the bone, the biting force is transferred to the bone via implant & this stimulate the bone formation. Yes, this
    is the great job implant is doing Bone formation

However, implants are the first choice for replacement of missing teeth today due to the many benefits implants have such as:

  • Compared to dentures, implants are fixed options which means they provide more comfort and stability
  • Since dentures cover a large part of our gum tissue, taste and temperature sensation are nearly lost while one eats their food. This, however,
    is not seen with implants
  • Compared to bridges, implant treatment takes a longer time to complete. However, in the case of bridges, adjacent teeth are prepared to
    support the missing tooth and can sometimes be slightly compromised in their strength and structure. Implants, on the other hand, are
    standalone structures and do not cause harm to nearby teeth
  • They have the most superior aesthetics and look very similar to natural teeth
  • When done properly, implants can last a lifetime, unlike dentures and crowns and bridges, which need to be replaced after a couple of years.
  • The Biting efficiency is more with implants
  • No need to take it out Clean, can be cleaned in the mouth only
  • Pt. is more confident during speech & Eating.

A dental implant can do ponders for confidence, since it feels and resembles a typical tooth. Numerous individuals who were modest about grinning
as a result of a space from a lost tooth feel increasingly great after dental implants. Past the style, a dental embed additionally makes it simpler to eat
and talk, on the grounds that a titanium post made sure about legitimately in the jaw holds the implant set up.

How safe are Dental Implants?

After understanding the procedure involved in the placement of implant and implant crown, one question that may have cropped up in your mind
isHow safe are dental implants?
Since the implant is made up of a biocompatible element titanium, it is safe to use inside the body. Titanium is a Noble Metal & is the only metal
which remains in the Jaw Bone- Alveolar Bone without Tarnish & Corrosion. Titanium is a Inert Metal so it is not rejected by Body. Titanium has a
low coefficient ratio, meaning that it won’t expand or contract when your body heats up or cools down. So, there you have it, all you need to know
about a titanium dental implant- what it is and what it does.

Are there Different Types of Implants?

Yes, there are different types of dental implants and the right implant for you is chosen by your dentist/implantologist based on the location of
the missing tooth, the thickness and height of the jaw bone in that area, health of the patient, and the amount that the patient is willing to spend.In
most cases, your dentist will inform you which the best implant type is for you. Feel free to discuss the same with your dentist.If you wish to replace
a missing tooth or teeth and want some more information about dental implants, visit Rutudent- Bhawsar Dental Care & Research Centre.

Our dental team and implantologist are well-equipped to give you a painless implant treatment and restore the smile and function of your teeth!

What is the cost of Dental Implants?

One of the biggest myths about dental implants is that they are expensive. However, the truth is dental implants are affordable options to replace
missing teeth. Comparing their cost to resin-based dentures, implants may seem costly but comparing the benefits and advantages of implants with
those of removable dentures, the implants are worth the cost.
Many a time, the cost of a bridge unit is the same or more expensive than the cost of 2-3 implants that can be placed in its place. The cost of
implants also depends upon the type of implant, the technique involved, surgical costs, bone grafts that may be needed in some cases, and the
brand of implant one chooses.
At our Rutudent- Bhawsar Dental Care & Research Centres, we offer attractive payment schemes for implant treatments that make it easier for you to
pay for your implant treatment. Contact our dental team for more information.

Are dental implants painful?

When you are going for dental treatment like dental implants then it is obvious that you may doubt the intensity of pain in the dental implants. The
dental implants are done when tooth loss occurs and it is a little painful, still, it is bearable. When you get your dental implants, it is a little discomfort
initially because your mouth is not used to it. A mild soreness also occurs in the mouth which may affect the taste while eating food during the initial
days, so taking proper care is essential. In fact, during the process of the dental implant, anaesthesia is given which will minimize the pain during the
treatment process. Taking pain medications as suggested can help to relieve the pain.

Are dental implants affordable?

Dental implants are one of the solutions to the missing tooth or teeth. It will have some cost as a titanium post is put in the gum line beneath the
jawbone in the tooth root. The cost will with respect to the material used. Also, inserting this material would involve surgical process and giving a
look of the natural tooth and implantologist will be attached.

The cost will depend on the material used for the tooth implant, the cost of the specialist, and considering any other complexities. In the case of full
mouth dental implants, the cost will increase, yet you might get some concession in cost per tooth implant. Overall, the cost will be much affordable
compared to the value given.

Can everyone get a dental implant?

For treatment like a dental implant, everyone is a candidate. Many of the techniques are available to deal with tooth loss. For ensuring proper care
after the dental implants, few things are considered concerning the dental implant.

Following cases are considered:

  • If the patient is a child then most of the experts recommend waiting till the age of 18 years
  • In case of severe health issues like diabetes, weakness, and a few other things, the experts have to do proper pain medications
  • Improper bone can also be problematic in the dental implants as it cannot be supportive, still, in some cases, alternative methods
    can be used.

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